SR Commercial invoices

SR What you need to know

SR A signed invoice is essential for customs clearance of every shipment. A commercial invoice is used when goods are part of a commercial transaction and/or intended for sale. (A pro-forma invoice can be used if the goods have no commercial value.)

  1. The word "invoice" ("Proforma" invoices are only acceptable in certain circumstances).
  2. Sender company name and address.
  3. Receiver company name and address.
  4. Date of invoice.
  5. Invoice number.
  6. Full description of each item of goods supplied (catalogue and part numbers are not sufficient to describe the goods) to enable correct Customs Tariff Classification.
  7. Country of origin (i.e. where manufactured) for each type of goods being supplied.
  8. Please include this information (if known) - also referred to as a 'commodity code'. In the absence of a Tariff being provided, a full and accurate description of goods MUST be supplied.
  9. Quantity of each item of goods supplied.
  10. Clearly state currency in which the value of goods is expressed.
  11. Total value of all goods covered by the invoice.
  12. INCO Term is based on the transaction and payment between the seller and buyer of the goods and the official point of hand-over of responsibility.
  13. Gross weight (i.e. including packaging), net weight (i.e. excluding packaging) and number of items.
  14. The following statement must appear "I declare all of the information to be true to the best of my knowledge".
  15. The invoice must be signed and dated.

Note: Customs requirements vary from country to country and may change without notice.

Read more about Customs and Export Control

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