Annual General Meeting
The agenda with explanatory notes and the 2012 annual report are available on the TNT Express corporate website and at the offices of the Company (Taurusavenue 111 in 2132 LS Hoofddorp, The Netherlands).
The 2013 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will take place on 10 April 2013 at the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, Piet Heinkade 1, 1019 BR Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Nominations to Executive and Supervisory Boards
TNT Express is proposing the appointment of Mr Tex Gunning as an additional member of the Executive Board in the position of CEO, and Mr Sjoerd Vollebregt as an additional independent member of the Supervisory Board.
Relationship Agreement with PostNL
TNT Express and PostNL have agreed to update and amend the Relationship Agreement as signed at the time of their demerger in 2011.
As part of the new arrangements, PostNL is entitled to recommend one candidate for nomination to the Supervisory Board of TNT Express. The candidate will be nominated for appointment as an independent member to the Supervisory Board taking into account the requirements of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code. PostNL will lose this right, and the Supervisory Board may request that member to resign, if PostNL reduces its shareholding in TNT Express to 15% or less.
PostNL has recommended Mr Sjoerd Vollebregt for appointment. The TNT Express Supervisory Board fully supports this recommendation because of Mr Sjoerd Vollebregt’s international business experience, knowledge and experience in logistics, technology and network optimisation and proven focus on shareholders' value creation.
Furthermore, the new arrangements include a relaxation of certain conditions and restrictions as imposed under the previous Relationship Agreement. The voting restrictions that previously applied to PostNL in relation to significant changes in the identity and character of TNT Express are lifted. Further amendments have been made in favour of PostNL in respect of possible future divestments of its shareholding, or part thereof, in TNT Express.
The full text of the new Relationship Agreement is available here.