Press Releases (archive)


20 February 2003 at 10:53 CET
Former Dutch Prime Minister Mr. Wim Kok and Mr. René Dahan nominated as members of Supervisory Board TPG
The Supervisory Board of mail, express and logistics company TPG is pleased to announce that it intends to appoint former Dutch Prime Minister Mr. Wim Kok (64) and former Exxon Mobil Corporation Executive Mr. René Dahan (61) as new members of the Supervisory Board (SB). In addition, Mr. Victor Halberstadt (63), member of the Supervisory Board since 1998 and at the end of his term, has been nominated for an additional term.

20 February 2003 at 10:49 CET
TPG delivers solid set of results in 2002

TPGhas published it's 2002 Full Year & Fourth Quarter Results.

CEO Peter Bakker: "TPG has again been able to deliver an improved profit performance within our guidance range, notwithstanding the depressed economic climate which persisted throughout the year.

3 February 2003 at 11:06 CET
TNT Logistics to takeover KPN's Logistics activities
TNT Logistics, a division of TPG, and KPN N.V. have signed a five-year agreement whereby KPN will outsource the logistics activities of KPN Logistics to TNT Logistics.