Press Releases (archive)


28 April 2014 08:00 CET
1Q14 results: Improved performance supported by restructuring initiatives

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Amsterdam, The Netherlands

  • Reported operating income €17m (1Q13: €219m, including €200m UPS termination fee), reported revenues €1,608m (-6.6%)
  • Higher adjusted operating income €51m (1Q13: €21m), adjusted revenues €1,673m (-2.8%)
  • Revenues lower because of negative foreign exchange movements, disposal China Domestic and contract pruning
  • Substantially better results in combined Europe Main and Europe Other & Americas, AMEA and Brazil; Pacific under pressure
  • Outlook on track: savings €30m achieved in the quarter
  • Sale Dutch operations of TNT Fashion announced – closing expected in 2Q14
  • Period end net cash €402m (4Q13: €469m)

22 April 2014 08:00 CET
TNT Express appoints Maarten Jan de Vries as new CFO

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

TNT Express N.V. announces that Maarten Jan de Vries will join the company as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and member of the Executive Board, pending shareholder approval. Maarten will take over as CFO on 1 July 2014.

09 April 2014 15:20 CET
AVA van TNT Express stelt jaarrekening 2013 vast

English version

Amsterdam, Nederland

TNT Express NV maakt bekend dat de vandaag gehouden jaarlijkse Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelhouders de jaarrekening over 2013 heeft vastgesteld en dat het dividend over 2013 is vastgesteld op 4,6 eurocent per gewoon aandeel van nominaal 8 eurocent.

De AVA heeft Roger King herbenoemd als lid van de Raad van Commissarissen voor een termijn van vier jaar, die afloopt aan het eind van de AVA in 2018.

09 April 2014 15:20 CET
TNT Express AGM adopts 2013 financial statements

Nederlandse versie

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

TNT Express NV announces the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) held today adopted the 2013 financial statements and determined the 2013 dividend at € 4.6 cents per ordinary share of € 8 cents nominal value.

The AGM has reappointed Roger King as member of the Supervisory Board for a term of four years ending at the end of the AGM in 2018.

04 April 2014 08:00 CET
TNT Express announces departure of CFO

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

TNT Express and Chief Financial Officer and member of the Executive Board, Bernard Bot, today announced that he will not seek re-appointment as member of the Executive Board.