Press Releases (archive)


27 November 2006 at 08:30 CET
TNT N.V. - Buyback of ordinary shares
Amsterdam - Further to the share buyback program announced on 6 November 2006, TNT N.V. announces that:

21 November 2006 at 07:30 CET
TNT repurchases 18.2 million shares from the State of the Netherlands
Amsterdam, Today the State of the Netherlands announces it is selling all of its shares in TNT; 27.8 million ordinary shares to Citibank and UBS and 18.2 million ordinary shares to TNT. The repurchase by TNT represents a total consideration of nearly € 600 million and 4.3 % of TNT's outstanding ordinary share capital. The total sale by the State represents approximately 10.9 % of TNT's outstanding ordinary share capital reducing the holding of the State of the Netherlands in TNT to nil.

20 November 2006 at 08:30 CET
TNT N.V. - Buyback of ordinary shares
Amsterdam, Further to the share buyback program announced on 6 November 2006, TNT N.V. announces that:

16 November 2006 at 20:45 CET
TNT and the State of the Netherlands have reached agreement on the transfer of the Special Share
Amsterdam - TNT and the State of the Netherlands have reached agreement on the transfer of the Special Share following the ruling by the European Court of Justice on 28 September 2006 that the Special Share contradicts EU law.

16 November 2006 at 08:30 CET
TNT sells Freight Management to GEODIS
Amsterdam/Paris, TNT N.V. today announced that it has signed a Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA) to sell its freight management business unit to French logistics service provider GEODIS SA. The transaction has an enterprise value of € 460 million, cash and debt free. TNT estimates cash proceeds of above € 400 million. The transaction will bring TNT a book gain of well over € 150 million and is expected to close in the first quarter of 2007 subject to regulatory clearances. Final amounts will be calculated on the basis of completion accounts.

13 November 2006 at 08:30 CET
TNT N.V. - Buyback of ordinary shares
Amsterdam, Further to the share buyback program announced on 6 November 2006, TNT N.V. announces that:

8 November 2006 at 15:30 CET
TNT Express Germany wins European Award for Business Excellence
Amsterdam, TNT Express Germany has won this year's European Business Award together with the BMW Group. The European Business Award is one of the most prestigious economy prizes in Europe. Donald Pilz, chairman of the board of directors, received the award at the Forum of the European Foundation for Quality Management in Budapest on Tuesday evening. In addition to TNT Express Germany, three other TNT business units made it into the short listed 27 finalists – TNT International (Europe), TNT Express Greece and TNT Express Estonia.

6 November 2006 at 08:30 CET
TNT starts share repurchase program of up to euro 1.0 billion
Amsterdam, Today TNT N.V. starts a share repurchase program of up to € 1.0 billion, which will be executed by ABN AMRO Bank N.V. The announcement follows the completion of the sale of its Logistics business as per 4 November 2006. It is TNT's intention to cancel the ordinary shares acquired through the repurchase program.

4 November 2006 at 12:30 CET
TNT completes sale of logistics division
Amsterdam, TNT N.V. announces that it has completed the sale of the logistics division to affiliates of Apollo Management, L.P., a leading private equity firm with offices in New York, London and Los Angeles. With the completion of this transaction, Dave Kulik will become CEO of the new Company and therefore resigned from the TNT Board of Management. The now completed sale to Apollo was announced on 23 August 2006. On 29 September 2006 the shareholders' meeting approved the transaction and on 24 October 2006 the European Commission granted clearance under the EU Merger Regulation. The total transaction value is € 1,480 million on a cash and debt free basis, of which approximately € 15 million has been received in the form of a 5% equity stake in the new company.